Dr. Cătălin Herghelegiu

Specialități: Obstetrică-ginecologie

Descoperă aici promoția lunii mai 2024 pentru consultație și ecografie confirmare sarcină la Dr. Cătălin Herghelegiu!


luni, 29 iulie
luni, 05 august
marți, 30 iulie
16:30 – 21:00 Spitalul Clinic SANADOR
marți, 06 august
16:30 – 21:00 Spitalul Clinic SANADOR
miercuri, 31 iulie
miercuri, 07 august
joi, 01 august
joi, 08 august
vineri, 02 august
16:30 – 21:00 Spitalul Clinic SANADOR
vineri, 09 august
16:30 – 21:00 Spitalul Clinic SANADOR
sâmbătă, 03 august
sâmbătă, 10 august
duminică, 04 august
duminică, 11 august
luni, 12 august
luni, 19 august
marți, 13 august
16:30 – 21:00 Spitalul Clinic SANADOR
marți, 20 august
16:30 – 21:00 Spitalul Clinic SANADOR
miercuri, 14 august
miercuri, 21 august
joi, 15 august
joi, 22 august
vineri, 16 august
16:30 – 21:00 Spitalul Clinic SANADOR
vineri, 23 august
16:30 – 21:00 Spitalul Clinic SANADOR
sâmbătă, 17 august
sâmbătă, 24 august
duminică, 18 august
duminică, 25 august
luni, 29 iulie
marți, 30 iulie
16:30 – 21:00 Spitalul Clinic SANADOR
miercuri, 31 iulie
joi, 01 august
vineri, 02 august
16:30 – 21:00 Spitalul Clinic SANADOR
sâmbătă, 03 august
duminică, 04 august
luni, 05 august
marți, 06 august
16:30 – 21:00 Spitalul Clinic SANADOR
miercuri, 07 august
joi, 08 august
vineri, 09 august
16:30 – 21:00 Spitalul Clinic SANADOR
sâmbătă, 10 august
duminică, 11 august
luni, 12 august
marți, 13 august
16:30 – 21:00 Spitalul Clinic SANADOR
miercuri, 14 august
joi, 15 august
vineri, 16 august
16:30 – 21:00 Spitalul Clinic SANADOR
sâmbătă, 17 august
duminică, 18 august
luni, 19 august
marți, 20 august
16:30 – 21:00 Spitalul Clinic SANADOR
miercuri, 21 august
joi, 22 august
vineri, 23 august
16:30 – 21:00 Spitalul Clinic SANADOR
sâmbătă, 24 august
duminică, 25 august


Pentru consultațiile, investigațiile și tarifele disponibile pentru acest medic vă rugăm apelați 021 9699, Call Center disponibil nonstop.



  • 01/01/2018 - prezent: Medic primar, SANADOR;
  • 2018 - 2021: Asistent universitar, Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie „Carol Davila”;

Citește mai mult…

  • 12/12/2020: Doctor în Științe Medicale (Magna cum laude);
  • 2016 - 2020: Student Doctorand, Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie „Carol Davila”;
  • 09/2019: Cadru didactic tutore în cadrul programului de schimb de experiență internațional pentru studenți organizat de IFMSA, International Federation of Medical Students' Associations. SCOPE;
  • 2018 - 2019: Asistent Dezvoltare Curiculă - Screening Ecografic Prenatal, European Project „Dă o șansă vieții - Program național de îngrijire a gravidei și copilului;
  • 01/01/2013 - 31/12/2017: Medic resident, INSMC Alessandrescu-Rusescu;


  • 2022: Atestat studii complementare - Medicină Materno-Fetală, Ministerul Sănătății;
  • 2016 - 2020: Studii Doctorale, Univestitatea de Medicină și Farmacie "Carol Davila";
  • 2018: Atestat studii complementare - Ultrasonografie Obstetricală și Ginecologică, Ministerul Sănătății;

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  • 2018: Atestat studii complementare – Colposcopie, Ministerul Sănătății;
  • 2018: Atestat studii complementare - Gineco-Oncologie, Ministerul Sănătății;
  • 2018: Atestat studii complementare – Histeroscopie, Ministerul Sănătății;
  • 2006 - 2012: Studii Universitare - Facultatea de Medicină, Universtitatea de Medicină și Farmacie "Carol Davila";


  • 17/05/2018: Premiul II - Sesiunea Postere - Pregnancy after ovarian cancer - Case report - Al 6-lea Congres al Societății Române de Ultrasonografie în Obstetrică și Ginecologie;
  • 13/05/2017: Premiul I - Holoprozencefalie Middle Interhemisferic Variant - dificultăți de diagnostic - Conferința "Noi perspective în Obstetrică și Ginecologie";


  • Operative workshop “hands-on” am Modell, Vaginale Chirurgie, MONTAG, 3. DEZEMBER 2018, Hörsaalzentrum Ebene 8, Kursraum 21, AKH Wien, Austria;

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  • Fetal Cardiology - the unique field of cooperation between cardiologists, neonatologists and obstetricians, Fetal Cardiology Course;
  • Workshop: Renascence of natural birth. 1st International Perinatal TOTAL Health Congress: The First Thousand Days of Life;
  • Cursul “Ecocardiografie fetală”, Organizat de Clinica de Obstetrică și Ginecologie și Clinica de Cardiologie Pediatrică;
  • Manager Proiect, Organizat de Asociația TES;
  • Ultrasound and other advanced techniques in prenatal diagnosis, Curs aprobat ISUOG;
  • Stagiu clinic în serviciul de Obstetrică și Ginecologie al Spitalului Universitar Charles Nicolle, Rouen, Franța, sub îndrumarea Prof. Dr. Horace Roman;
  • Cursul “Ecocardiografie fetală”, Organizat de dna Prof. dr. Rodica Togănel și dl. Conf. dr. Claudiu Mărginean;
  • CNS and Fetal Doppler in clinical Obstetrics, Curs acreditat ISUOG;
  • 11-13 Weeks Fetal Neurosonography, Curs acreditat ISUOG;
  • Fetal Echocardiography Symposium, Curs acreditat ISUOG;
  • The 6th Romanian „Ian Donald Course”;
  • Cursul Precongres de Chirurgie Minim Invaziva, În cadrul Congresului Național de Chirurgie Minim Invazivă în Ginecologie;
  • Balkan Basic Training in Minimal Invasive Gynaecological Surgery;
  • Ultrasound Academy Course III;


  • Ultrasound Patterns in the First Trimester Diagnosis of Congenital Heart Disease. Herghelegiu CG, Panaitescu AM, Duta S, Vayna AM, Ciobanu AM, Bulescu C, et al. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2021, Vol 10, Page 3206. 2021;10:3206.
  • Pathological examination of the late embryonic heart using the same 4-chamber and 3-vessel planes used in fetal echocardiography. Herghelegiu CG, Neacșu A, Chircurescu R, Herghelegiu D, Voinea SC, Diaconu C, et al. In Vivo. 2021;35:533–9.

Citește mai mult…

  • Umbilical cord lactate compared with pH as predictors of intrapartum asphyxia. Neacșu A, Herghelegiu CG, Voinea S, Dimitriu MCT, Ples L, Bohiltea RE, et al. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine. 2021;21:1–1.
  • Impact of histological subtype on the response to chemoradiation in locally advanced cervical cancer and the possible role of surgery. Voinea S, Herghelegiu CG, Sandru A, Ioan RG, Bohilțea RE, Bacalbașa N, et al. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine. 2021;21:1–1.
  • Operator experience impact on the evaluation of still images of a first trimester cardiac assessment protocol. Herghelegiu CG, Duta SF, Neacșu A, Suciu N, Veduta A. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine. 2020;:1–5.
  • Determining an Umbilical Cord pH Cutoff Value for Predicting Neonatal Morbidity Related to Intrapartum Hypoxia. Mogos M, Herghelegiu CG, Ioan RG, Cringu AI, Neacșu A. REV CHIM (Bucharest). 2019;70:605–7.
  • The wide spectrum of ultrasound diagnosis of holoprosencephaly. Ionescu CA, Vladareanu S, Tudorache S, Ples L, Herghelegiu CG, Neacșu A, et al. Medical Ultrasonography. 2019;21.
  • Pulmonary artery aneurysm in a marfanoid adult patient with unoperated functional single ventricle and levo-transposition of the great arteries. Perde F, Herghelegiu CG, Iosifescu AG, Crîngu I, Luca L, Dragu M. Rom J Leg Med. 2018;26:363–8.
  • Difficulties of clinical and histopathological diagnosis in advanced vulvar clear cell carcinoma. Herghelegiu CG, Neacşu A, Oprescu ND, Cărbunaru AE, Brăila AD, Curea FG, et al. Rom J Morphol Embryol. 2018;59:1233–7.
  • Alobar holoprosencephaly associated with a rare chromosomal abnormality. Ionescu CA, Calin D, Navolan D, Matei A, Dimitriu M, Herghelegiu C, et al. Medicine. 2018;97:e11521.
  • Good Prognosis Went Badly: Fulminant Evolution of a 29-Year-Old Patient with Verrucous Carcinoma of the Cervix. Anghel RM, Trifanescu OG, Mitrica RI, Curea FG, Botnariuc I, Herghelegiu CG, et al. Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology. 2017;6:499–502.
  • Antenatal diagnosis and prognostic factors of aneurysmal malformation of the vein of Galen: A case report and literature review. Herghelegiu D, Ionescu CA, Pacu I, Bohiltea R, Herghelegiu C, Vladareanu S. Medicine. 2017;96:e7483.


  • Congenital heart diseases that are detectable using the three-vessel view, Herghelegiu C.G., Herghelegiu D., Neacșu A., Suciu I.D., Suciu N. Revista Ginecologia, 2020, 28, 14–17;
  • The 3-vessel view as a means of screening for conotruncal malformations, Herghelegiu C.G., Herghelegiu D., Neacşu A., Suciu I.D., Suciu N. Obstetrică și Ginecologia, 2020, LXVIII, 42–45;

Citește mai mult…

  • Granulosa cell tumor of the ovary, Oprescu Daniela., Herghelegiu C.G., Moldoveanu A. Ginecologia.Ro, 2017, 16, 48–54;
  • Trysomy 18: An update on prenatal diagnosis and management. A case report. Dragan I., Herghelegiu C.G., Vladareanu S., Moldoveanu A., Oprescu D. Gineco.Eu, 2017, 13


  • Medical Treatment Versus Surgical Treatment in Ectopic Pregnancy. Ciutacu LA, Corocea K, Ionascu BA, Herghelegiu CG. Proceedings of the 4th congress of the romanian society for minimal invasive surgery in ginecology / annual days of the national institute for mother and child health alessandrescu-rusescu. 2018. 177–179
  • Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia - Management and Obstetric Outcome. Herghelegiu CG, Ciutacu LA, Dinca G, Oprescu ND. Proceedings of the 4th congress of the romanian society for minimal invasive surgery in ginecology / annual days of the national institute for mother and child health alessandrescu-rusescu. 2018. 305–308.

Citește mai mult…

  • Cervical Cerclage - Premature Birth Prevention. Coman LG, Vladuca I, Herghelegiu CG. Proceedings of the 4th congress of the romanian society for minimal invasive surgery in ginecology / annual days of the national institute for mother and child health alessandrescu-rusescu. 2018. 185–187.
  • Adnexal Mass in Pregnancy. Coman LG, Mogos M, Ioan RG, Ciutacu LA, Herghelegiu CG. Proceedings of SOGR 2018: the 17th national congress of the romanian society of obstetrics and gynecology & first advanced colposcopy course. 2019. 389–391.
  • Ectopic Pregnancy - Diagnostic Dilemma. Herghelegiu CG, Ciutacu LA, Corocea K, Ioan RG, Ionascu BA, Oprescu ND. Proceedings of the 4th congress of the romanian society for minimal invasive surgery in ginecology / annual days of the national institute for mother and child health alessandrescu-rusescu. 2018. 309–311.
  • Congenitally Corrected Transposition of the Great Arteries – An Apparently “Benign” Condition. HERGHELEGIU Catalin Gabriel, CIUTACU Laura Andreea, FETECAU Andreea Catalina, IOAN Raluca Gabriela, NEACSU Adrian, OPRESCU Daniela Nuti. Proceedings of the 6th congress of the ultrasound society in obstetrics and gynecology / 34th fetus as a patient international congress. 2018. 228–231.
  • The Diagnostic Power of Ultrasound in Postmenopausal Bleeding. Herghelegiu CG, Ciutacu LA, Corocea K, Ionascu AB, Ioan RG. Proceedings of the 6th congress of the ultrasound society in obstetrics and gynecology / 34th fetus as a patient international congress. 2018. 235–238.
  • Pregnancy after Ovarian Cancer - Case Report. Herghelegiu CG, Carbunaru AE, Moldoveanu A, Fetecau AC, Ioan RG, Oprescu DN. Proceedings of the 6th congress of the ultrasound society in obstetrics and gynecology / 34th fetus as a patient international congress. 2018. 232–234.
  • Differential Diagnosis between Double Outlet Right Ventricle and Transposition of Great Arteries. Herghelegiu CG, Bacalbaşa N, Oprescu ND. The 5th congress of the romanian society of ultrasound in obstetrics and gynecology. 2017. P. 294–297.
  • A Simplified Protocol for Congenital Heart Disease. Herghelegiu CG, Dragan I, Suciu N, Oprescu ND. The 5th congress of the romanian society of ultrasound in obstetrics and gynecology. 2017. P. 298–302.
  • Umbilical Cord Gases – Clinical Value and Limitations. Mohora Ramona1,2, Herghelegiu Catalin Gabriel, Oprescu Daniela Nuti, Mihalache Loredana Elena, Cristea Octaviana, Stoicescu Silvia Maria, Nastase Leonard. Proceedings of the annual days of the national institute for mother and child health “Alessandrescu-Rusescu” 2019. (21-23 november bucharest). Isbn 978-88-85813-86-1. First edition march 2020. P215-217
  • Giant Ovarian Tumour in Pregnancy. Herghelegiu Cătălin Gabriel, Ciutacu Laura Andreea, Coman Laura Gabriela, Mogoș Magdalena, Ioan Raluca Gabriela. Proceedings of the annual days of the national institute for mother and child health “Alessandrescu-Rusescu” 2019. (21-23 november bucharest). Isbn 978-88-85813-86-1. First edition march 2020. P212-214

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